Day 3 — Swimming and Nature Walk
We were once again women up at the delightful time of 6:30 for breakfast — which was, again, porridge! Our patrol weren’t due to leave for our first activity until 9:45 so we were on clean-up duty.
A fun fact: where we’re staying in Thingvellir, we aren’t actually on a continental plate — we’re in a rift valley right between the Eurasian and North American plates, which I thought was rather interesting! We can even see the sides of the plates surrounding us.
The swimming pool was great and had water slides and varying temperatures of pool — 30°C, 35°C, 42°C, 43°C, and a 3°C! But most importantly, they had showers — something that I hadn’t seen in 3 days!
Our patrol headed back to our campsite to start a nature walk, but the bus was 30 minutes late, so we decided to do our own little nature walk! We walked along the North American plate for about 1km until we hit a touristy spot with proper paths up the side of the plate. After getting some pictures, we then came down and sat on some benches to play some games.
We then came back to relax, play games, and nap! The weather is starting to get worse, but we’re at least hoping for the rain to stay off for a while!