We woke up in the middle of the night (it was still dark!) at around 4:15 to go and retrieve breakfast and lunch for the day. We had bacon sandwiches! Mmm… After breakfast, we then got ready to leave on a coach
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In the morning, we split up into patrols and went exploring around the site; it was also Hayden’s birthday. Aln patrol played some Nordic games; Coquet went to the North end of the site (near the dome) and had a look around
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We woke up at around 6:30 and I managed to sort out my bag and pile my clothes into a corner to make it easier to change over the next 9 days. Breakfast was omelette and then me and Graham went to
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We arrived at the site at around 16:00 and we made the (relatively) short walk to our campsite. It took us about 3 or 4 hours to setup our campsite. Whilst putting up the tents, a Japanese postman arrived with a postcard
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Before boarding the bus to Yamaguchi, I had the opportunity to speak with some Italian Scouts and they were all very friendly and spoke very good English. I swapped business cards with a few of them. Once we were on the bus,
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Me and Josh have had a great few days with our Ho-Ho family, the Ohno family; they couldn’t of been more friendly and caring for us. We had another traditional breakfast this morning (and also some Portuguese cake!). We were presented with
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Once we arrived back from Hōryuji Temple, me and Josh had some free time, which we spent entirely sleeping. The mother of the family originally came from Osaka to live in Nara, and so cooked us a traditional Osaka meal (which included
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Straight after the welcoming ceremony, we travelled to Hōryuji, which contains the oldest wooden structure in the world. We arrived just before closing so we didn’t look in all of the buildings. One of the interesting things shown (in statue form) in
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We attended a welcoming ceremony that was attended by all the local Japanese Scouts that are looking after our unit members as well as 2 Italian Scouts and me, Josh, Stephan, Lewis, Michael and Owen. We were warmly greeted into a council
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