We were once again women up at the delightful time of 6:30 for breakfast — which was, again, porridge! Our patrol weren’t due to leave for our first activity until 9:45 so we were on clean-up duty. A fun fact: where we’re
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Today was the day of our full-day hike, which was unfortunately named Leggjarbrjotur (which means broken legs in English). Our patrol was in charge of preparing the sandwich fillings, but I slept through my alarm so I missed getting up for this!
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We were woken up at the delightful time of 6:00 (I didn’t realise that they still made this time of the morning) to get breakfast and packed ready to go to the opening ceremony, followed straight away by the expedition centres. We
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We arrived at Menntaskólinn við Hamrahlíð (a local high school) where we set up our beds in what can only be described as a 200-man spoon (a very tightly packed hall full of UK Scouts!). We left at around 19:00 to go
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The 02:00 alarm wasn’t hugely appreciated by my body, but it’s a small price to pay for going to Iceland (not the shop)! I first travelled with my friend — and Whitley Bay Scout —Rebecca, on a flight from Newcastle to Heathrow,
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Hi, I’m Adam, and welcome to my blog about the 15th World Scout Moot in Iceland this summer. So what is a World Scout Moot? The World Scout Moot is an official event of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM),
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